The Grand Chapter

State Chapter

Local Chapter


We, the Members of The [Local Name] Chapter of The Society of Our Sacred Honor (SOSH), establish this Constitution and Bylaws as the foundation for our operations and governance. Guided by the principles of Patriotism, Camaraderie/Unity, and Honor, we are committed to fostering civic engagement, celebrating American heritage, and building a stronger community. This document serves as a framework to ensure consistency, effectiveness, and alignment with the State and Grand Chapters of SOSH.

Article I: Name, Purpose, and Structure

Section 1: Name

The official name of this organization shall be The [Local Name] Chapter of The Society of Our Sacred Honor (SOSH).

Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of the Local Chapter is to:
⦁ Advance the principles and mission of SOSH within the local community.
⦁ Promote civic engagement, historical remembrance, and community-building initiatives.
⦁ Collaborate with the State and Grand Chapters to achieve the overarching goals of SOSH.

Section 3: Structure

⦁ The Local Chapter shall operate as a subordinate entity under the guidance of the State and Grand Chapters.
⦁ The Chapter shall be governed by an Executive Board and supported by committees as outlined in this document.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Eligibility

Membership in the Local Chapter is open to:
⦁ Individuals who align with the principles and mission of SOSH.
⦁ Residents or stakeholders within the local community who commit to upholding the Code of Conduct.

Section 2: Categories of Membership

⦁ General Members: Individuals actively participating in the Chapter’s activities and initiatives.
⦁ Honorary Members: Individuals recognized for their exceptional contributions to the Chapter or community.
⦁ Youth Members (Optional): Individuals under the age of 18 who participate in youth-focused initiatives of the Chapter.

Section 3: Rights and Responsibilities

⦁ Members have the right to:
⦁ Vote in Chapter elections and on policy matters.
⦁ Participate in Chapter activities, programs, and committees.
⦁ Access resources and training provided by the Chapter.
⦁ Members are responsible for:
⦁ Upholding SOSH’s principles and values.
⦁ Actively supporting the Chapter’s goals and initiatives.
⦁ Adhering to the Code of Conduct.

Section 4: Membership Termination

Membership may be revoked by a majority vote of the Executive Board for violations of the Code of Conduct or actions detrimental to the Chapter’s mission.

Article III: : Governance and Leadership

Section 1: Leadership

The Local Chapter shall be led by the following officers:
⦁ Chair (President): Provides overall leadership, sets strategic goals, and represents the Chapter publicly.
⦁ Vice Chair (Vice President): Supports the Chair and oversees specific operational areas.
⦁ Secretary: Maintains records, minutes, and correspondence.
⦁ Treasurer: Manages financial operations, including budgeting and fundraising.
⦁ Membership Director: Leads recruitment, engagement, and retention efforts.
⦁ Community Outreach Director: Coordinates partnerships and local engagement initiatives.
⦁ Programs and Events Director: Plans and executes Chapter programs and events.
⦁ Public Relations Officer: Manages Chapter communications, including social media and public outreach.

Section 2: Elections and Terms Committees

⦁ Officers shall be elected annually at the Chapter’s General Assembly meeting.
⦁ Nominations for office must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the election.
⦁ Officers shall serve one-year terms and may be re-elected.

Section 3: Vacancies

Vacancies in leadership positions shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Article IV: Committees

Section 1: Standing Committees

⦁ Membership and Recruitment Committee: Supports efforts to grow and engage Chapter membership.
⦁ Programs and Events Committee: Plans and executes programs, initiatives, and social events.
⦁ Community Outreach Committee: Builds partnerships with local organizations and coordinates service projects.
⦁ Finance and Fundraising Committee: Oversees financial planning, budgeting, and fundraising activities.

Section 2: Strategic Initiative Committees

⦁ Local America Remember Committee: Focuses on preserving and celebrating local history and culture.
⦁ Local America Rethink Committee: Promotes innovation and solutions to local challenges.
⦁ Local America Renew Committee: Drives efforts to revitalize local infrastructure and strengthen the community.

Section 3: Ad Hoc Committees

Ad hoc committees may be established by the Chair to address specific needs or projects

Article V: Meetings and Decision-Making

Section 1: BGeneral Assembly Meetings

⦁ The Chapter shall hold General Assembly meetings at least quarterly to review progress, discuss initiatives, and vote on key decisions.
⦁ Notice of meetings must be provided at least 14 days in advance.

Section 2: Executive Board Meetings

The Executive Board shall meet monthly to address operational and strategic matters

Section 3:Quorum and Voting

⦁ A quorum of 51% of voting Members is required for any official decision-making.
⦁ Decisions shall be made by a simple majority vote unless otherwise specified.

Article VI: Financial Management

Section 1: Budget and Financial Oversight

The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for review and approval by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Fundraising

The Chapter may engage in fundraising activities to support its programs and initiatives.

Section 3: Financial Transparency

Financial records shall be reviewed annually and made available to Members upon request.

Article VII: Amendments and Dissolution

Section 1: Amendments

⦁ Proposed amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws must be submitted in writing 30 days prior to a General Assembly meeting.
⦁ Amendments require a two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly to be adopted

Section 2: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution:
⦁ Remaining assets shall be distributed to nonprofit organizations aligned with SOSH’s mission.
⦁ Records and historical materials shall be archived for preservation.