Sample Meeting Agenda

Society Chapter Meetings and General Agenda

Local Chapter Business Meetings are mandatory for every Chapter and all official general Patriot Membership business should be conducted at this time. All Society Patriots are required to have their SOSH Patriot ID card on them for all meetings and are supposed to wear their SOSH Lapel Pin to all meetings. All Chapter Business Meetings must be announced at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance and all Patriots must be given notice. They should be held on at the same time and day each month, location announced at the prior month’s meeting. Emergency meetings can be called by a majority of the Society Patriots or three (3) Executive Committee Patriots with five (5) days notice.

Business Meetings are to hold to a strict agenda as prescribed by the Grand Chapter. The Chair is in charge of overseeing this meeting and moving the agenda and conversation along. The Chair is in charge throughout the meeting, although delegating most parts to her/his deputies by recognizing them. The Chair will Chair the meeting, and specifically lead the conversation during the AgendaItems, and Airing of Accolades and Grievances. The Vice Chair will stand in her/his place if necessary.

The Secretary is in charge of presenting the prescribed notes of the previous meeting, which must be agreed upon by a majority vote, and of taking detailed notes throughout the meeting. They will also record the meeting.The Treasurer must give a written and verbal financial update/report at each meeting. The Sergeant-At-Arms will oversee the Pledge of Allegiance, the Pledge of Our Sacred Honor and the Moment of Silence. The Historian will oversee the AmericaRemember portion of the meeting; the Thinker will oversee the AmericaRethink portion; the Envisioner will oversee the AmericaRenew portion. The Social and Events Chair will oversee the Activities and Events portion.

Society of Sacred Honor Platoon Business Meeting Agenda (one hour, fifteen minutes)

Call to Order (one minute)
Pledge of Allegiance (one minute)
Pledge of Our Sacred Honor (one minute)
Brief Moment of Silence/Reflection (general unless specific circumstance)
Recognition and Record of Patriots (5  minutes)
Past Meeting Record (3 minutes)
America Remember – Selected Historical Record Review – Brief Conversation (8 minutes)
Daily Trivia Question (one minute)
Agenda Items (15 minutes)
Past and Planned Activities and Events (included)
America Rethink – Review of Current News – Public Comments (8 minutes)
Solubate – A positive solutions driven debate on chosen issue (12 minutes)
Questions and Answers (4 minutes)
Airing of Accolades and/or Grievances – Get it off your chest in a polite and safe space (6 minutes)
America Renew – Brainstorming of Innovative Ideas and Thoughts (8 minutes)
Pledge of Our Sacred Honor (one minute)
Pledge of Allegiance (one minute)